Choose Your Wakcherism!
You can change the the colors too!
The instructions are on the code page for each box.
With this code, the latest Wakcherism will always appear on your site. As soon as it updates, it's there! [GET CODE]
Have one in mind? If you want a specific Wakcherism to appear on your site, this is the code for you! [GET CODE]
If you want a random Wakcherism to appear on your site every time the page loads, then set this code up! [GET CODE]
The content of a Wakcherism is generally suitable for all audiences, though there are exceptions. Put Wakcherisms on your site at
your own discretion. Wakcher takes no responsibility for how a Wakcherism may be viewed in the context of your website.
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Email me: wakcher at wakcher dot com
©2008 Wakcher